The founder of Coşkunöz Holding and its companies, M. Kemal Coşkunöz, known to all as Kemal Hoca, put his foot in the world of commerce with a workshop he opened in 1949.

Motivated by a desire to be the best at what he does, he achieved great success in his small workshop in just a short time. Not long after this successful initiative, he realized that Turkey’s automotive industry was developing rapidly and its needs were growing. In order to meet these needs with the best quality solutions, he brought SKT to life along with his two other educator fellows, and introduced "ground-breaking novelties" that would transform the Turkish automobile industry.

Always aiming for the best and propelled by an inquisitive mind...

His entrepreneurial spirit and unlimited vision led Kemal Hoca's productivity and his drive to educate young people his whole life. In 1973, he founded the first public limited company of Coşkunöz Holding, which today has close partnerships with the world's largest car manufacturers. With this accomplishment, he made great contributions to the development of the Turkish and the global automotive industry.

"The strength of production comes from education"

Kemal Hoca, who contributed to the automotive industry, not only as an industrialist but also as an educator, founded the Coşkunöz Education Foundation in 1988. He emphasized the importance of vocational training throughout his entire life, which materialized in his own foundation wherewith he made a great contribution to meeting the need for skilled labor by turning out skillful and well-trained technicians.